With Drawings and Affects: students in search of creative potency





Affects, Illustration, Learning, Drawing, Creation


The work is an experience report applied in a higher education institution, in the 3rd year class of the Art and Design course, of the Illustration curricular unit, whose proposal is constituted by the tracing of didactic paths in order to enable students to organize of encounters around happy affects. As a central objective of the work, we intend to discuss the importance of affective encounters for the development of learning processes and creative potency. This investigation adopts a qualitative approach. For the theoretical foundation, it makes approximations with Benedito Espinosa's theory of affects and, also, with the debate on learning by Gilles Deleuze. The data were produced from the development and observation in artistic-pedagogical workshops, as well as, through the use of semi-structured questionnaires, both carried out with the students participating in the research. The analyzes took place through the application of Bardin's content analysis, which presented significant results for the increase of individual and collective potencies, since the workshops provided moments of sharing, affective experiences and experimentation with different drawing techniques, in addition to verifying the exploration of varied instruments, some of which were resisted and/or unknown by the students. The results even suggest the importance of teaching and the artistic language of drawing as key points to help students organize happy meetings.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Santos Lima, Instituto Federal de Sergipe (Brazil)

PhD in Visual Arts from the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo (USP). Permanent Professor of Drawing at the Federal Institute of Sergipe (IFS). He is an artist, draftsman and draftsman with group exhibitions in Brazil and Portugal. He is a member of the Multidisciplinary Group for Study and Research in Art and Education (GMEPAE / ECA / USP).

Claudia de Medeiros Lima, Instituto Federal da Bahia (Brazil)

PhD. student in Education at the Federal University of Sergipe, professor and researcher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia and at the Graduate Program in Education in the line of Research Society, Subjectivities and Educational Thought. She is a member of the Education, Culture and Subjectivity Research Group (GPECS / UFS / CNPq).


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How to Cite

Santos Lima, M., & de Medeiros Lima, C. (2023). With Drawings and Affects: students in search of creative potency. Diálogos, 8, 155–176. https://doi.org/10.53930/27892182.dialogos.8.122