Schopenhauer and the Oupnek’hat




Philosophy, Will, Upanishads


This article intends to explain in a synthetic way a philosophical orientation on the theory of Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), with the sacred philosophy of hinduism. To do so, we will analyze in a hermeneutic-conceptual form volumes I and II of his work The world as will and representation of 1819, as well as the Upanishads; Isha, Kena and Mundaka. In doing so, we will be aware of the elements and tendencies that gave the philosopher of Danzig the authetic access of Eastern philosophy, as well as the relation existing in his thought that inexorably establishes an analogy still in youth as an edifying element in his main thesis about Will. In this way, we will perceive that the Will acts in its most varied degrees of objectification by structuring the existence of things through a plurality of states that result in the univocity of the essence of being as thing-in-itself.


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Author Biography

Roberto Pereira Veras, Instituto Federal do Acre (Brazil)

PhD in Religious Sciences from the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB. Professor of Philosophy at the Federal Institute of Acre - IFAC. Leader of the Center for Studies and Research in Artificial Intelligence - NEPAI/IFAC/CNPq. Member of the Brazilian Association of Philosophy of Religion - ABFR.


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How to Cite

Pereira Veras, R. (2021). Schopenhauer and the Oupnek’hat. Diálogos, 6, 89–112.