(Mis) Meeting of Memories and Etnografy in “Portuguese” Timor





Encounter, Memory, Anthropology, Ethnography, Colonial


This article analyses, from an ethnographic example in Portuguese Timor, involving an anthropologist and a group of Timorese, the (dis)agreements between the anthropologist’s written memories and the oral ones, collected together with the countrymen of the original interlocutors. The dissonance between these memories expresses different perspectives of the same event and the intentions and valuation given to what is expressed and what is omitted by the interveners.


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Author Biography

Lúcio Sousa, Universidade Aberta (Portugal)

Anthropologist. Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences and Management at the Universidade Aberta. Researcher at the IELT - Institute of Literature and Tradition Studies. External affiliated researcher at the Centre for Refugee Studies, CRS, York University. [2002-2019]: Researcher in the Center for Studies on Migration and Intercultural Relations, CEMRI. [2016-2019]: Researcher Responsible for the Migrations and Cultural Diversities Group. Research: East Timor and Southeast Asia. Ethnography and anthropology in colonial context. Forced migration and refugees: reception and integration policies.


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How to Cite

Sousa, L. (2021). (Mis) Meeting of Memories and Etnografy in “Portuguese” Timor. Diálogos, 6, 201–226. https://doi.org/10.53930/348524