Handling of Crises in Makili (Atauro): Old and New Challenges to a Model of Alliances





Crises, Non-humans, Ancestrality, Atauro, Bridewealth


Atauro’s history is marked by droughts, famines and inter- and intra-island conflicts. The paper explores these various crises and examines the alliances that the local society of Makili, in the south-east of the island, had established in response to them: ancestral alliances with various elements of nature, generating solidarity between humans and non-humans; matrimonial alliances, sanctioned by the circulation of bridewealth binding the houses forming the local society. Despite the threats that modernity poses to these ancient alliances and notwithstanding new difficulties imposed by modern transformations, the inhabitants are confident in the resilience and coherence of their crisis management system. 



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Author Biographies

Gabriel Facal, Laboratóriu «Centre Asie du Sud-Est» (France)

PhD in Social Anthropology, researcher associated with the project Patrimoines locaux, Environnement et Globalization and the Center Asie du Sud-Est (CASE),

Dominique Guillaud, Laboratóriu Patrimoines Locaux (France)

Geographer, lecturer and researcher at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, and member of the research group Patrimoines locaux, environnement and globalization.


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How to Cite

Facal, G., & Guillaud, D. (2021). Handling of Crises in Makili (Atauro): Old and New Challenges to a Model of Alliances. Diálogos, 6, 271–286. https://doi.org/10.53930/348527