Socialization, Collective Identity and Linguistic Identity in Timor-Leste




Social Psychology, Collective Identity, National Identity, Linguistic Identity


The aim of this article is to introduce readers to the concepts of primary identity, social identity, collective identity, real and virtual identity, as well as national identity linked to social psychology, but also as transversal themes of sociology and anthropology. For this introduction, we use the authors Dubar (1997) and Bauman (2005; 2010) as the theoretical basis and apply their theories to the development of the Timorese national identity, which we conclude is related to the different linguistic identities present in the new nation.


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Author Biography

Karin Noemi Rühle Indart, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (East Timor)

PhD in Sociology of Education. Invited Professor at the Postgraduate and Research Program at the National University Timor Lorosa'e.


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How to Cite

Rühle Indart, K. N. (2019). Socialization, Collective Identity and Linguistic Identity in Timor-Leste. Diálogos, 4, 137–149.